22nd Street SkyTrain Station

Light Rail Station
10 समीक्षाओं के आधार पर


Mint H
84 month ago
RIP old sign. (1985-2017)
Rod S
129 month ago
Watch out for the Rats!! This station used to be overrun with them, but then they re-did the landscaping and they went away. They are back and walk around in plain sight in the landscaped area.
Rye P
138 month ago
Seen a guy with his jug of wine, just casually drinking and waiting for the bus in the morning. Pretty sure he was looking for a party haha
Rose G
140 month ago
If you are calling a cab past midnight no point leaving your name as people take your cab when they walk off the train cab companies won't take your name
donna m
145 month ago
Watch for drug deals in plain view
Debbie O
149 month ago
If u feel unsafe on a train get off the train and pick up a security phone you are on camera at.that point
Kathleen G
157 month ago
If possible avoid the European lady trying to shove religion down your throat who says 'jesus love you'. victim and voyeur to this happening
Cat M
159 month ago
Be weary of the guys that mark their territory beside the station! It's surprisingly common.
Michelle ?
163 month ago
some fool has unsecured wi-fi around here so, free wi-fi. strongest at the 410/340 bus stops.
Milton B
170 month ago
Watch for those news delivering people. They practically shove those free misspeltworded newspapers in your face, regardless if you want one or not.