घाट आसपास Venice

92 मिले

Hotel Danieli

Riva Degli Schiavoni, Castello 4196 (Riva degli Schiavoni), 30122 Venice Veneto, Italy, GPS: 45.433907,12.342126
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A 14th Century masterpiece of Venetian Gothic architecture with an imposing heritage setting that dominates the lagoon on Riva degli Schiavoni, Venice. Hotel Danieli is a timeless wonder that treats guests to a rare and noble atmosphere.

हमें 121 मनोरंजन से अधिक प्वाइंट Venice में मिले। जिनमें शामिल हैं
  • 92 Pier
  • 12 Park
  • 11 Theatre
  • 4 Library
  • 2 Cinema

Ca' Rezzonico

Dorsoduro 3136, 30123 Venice Veneto, Italy, GPS: 45.43321,12.3272505
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The quality of the numerous paintings, furnitures, and frescoes exhibited in the palace, together with the extraordinary quality of the architecture, make Ca’ Rezzonico a veritable temple of the Venetian 18th century.

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