होटल आसपास Sanquhar

5 मिले

Blackaddie House Hotel

Situated in its own private gardens alongside the River Nith, Blackaddie House Hotel has an exquisite, award-winning restaurant. This family-run hotel has free Wi-Fi and free parking. The restaurant has won numerous awards, including 2 AA Rosettes.

Nithsdale Hotel

The Nithsdale Hotel is situated in the heart of Sanquhar on the A76, halfway between Dumfries and Kilmarnock. Free WiFi is provided throughout the hotel and free parking is available at rear.

हमें 11 लॉजिंग से अधिक प्वाइंट Sanquhar में मिले। जिनमें शामिल हैं
  • 5 Guest House
  • 5 Hotel
  • 1 Camping

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