The Shilla Seoul (서울신라호텔)

10 समीक्षाओं के आधार पर


Big R
56 month ago
Standard room is very good for 3 adults! Service is 6 stars++. Bedding & pillows are the best. Room temperature is perfect, cold with no wind blow.
Alice S
75 month ago
One of the top hotels in Seoul. You won’t be disappointed. The waiting time at the valet service is a bit too long though. Very attentive hotel staffs.
Dean T
76 month ago
One of the fanciest, if not the fanciest hotel in Korea, The Shilla has the prices and luxurious details to prove it, and houses a high-end Korean restaurant, La Yeon
96 month ago
One of the best hotels I've been to in Korea. Everything is perfect and I really couldn't find anything they could improve on
106 month ago
욕실 낙수 소음 있었으나 전체적으로 시설물 소음 적은 편. 테이블 의자 정말 불편. 베게종류 선택의 폭 넓음.객실요금 30% 지불시 3시까지 체크아웃 연장가능.7월부터 서울,제주 블루클럽 통합예정.
113 month ago
One of the best hotel brunches I have ever had.Hard to beat.Good value for $$ given that both quality and variety are tip top.Do keep some room for the delicious desserts! A not-to-be missed in Seoul!
Lex s
114 month ago
Best hotel in Seoul. Though it will cost you. Lovely to walk around and great facilities. Rooms were great and service was exceptional. They have multilingual staff everywhere.
116 month ago
One of the fanciest, if not the fanciest hotel in Korea, The Shilla has the prices and luxurious details to prove it, and houses a high-end Korean restaurant, La Yeon.
No Name
121 month ago
I really liked the hotel, you must try their cheese burger and whipped cream strawberry shortcake there. Room is pretty and comfortable, staff is very friendly.
Hyejin P
127 month ago
무료 발렛파킹 가능 신용카드! 비자 : 인피니트 시그니처 / 마스터 : 월드 플래티늄 다이아몬드 / 현대 : 레드 퍼플 블랙 / 삼성 : 삼성1 라움오 더오 멤버쉽앤드 더플래티늄 시그니처 / 아멕스 : 플래티늄 탠텀 / 현대백화점 자스민