गेस्टहाउस आसपास Husseren-les-Châteaux

2 मिले

Chambres d'Hôtes Rachelle Schneider

Located in Husseren-les-Châteaux, Chambre d’Hôtes Rachelle Schneider is 3 km from Eguisheim and 13 km from Colmar. It offers air-conditioned accommodation with free Wi-Fi access, a garden and a shaded terrace.

Chambres d'hôtes Gilles Schneider

Located in Husseren-les-Châteaux, Chambres d’hôtes Schneider is set in an Alsatian vineyard and offers a garden and terrace. The Wahlenbourg, Weckmund and Hohlandsbourg Castles are just 3 km away.

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