कैफे आसपास Leeds
14 मिले
हमें 57 फूड से अधिक प्वाइंट Leeds में मिले। जिनमें शामिल हैं
- 17 Pub
- 14 Cafe
- 12 Restaurant
- 10 Fast Food
- 4 Bar
Pret A Manger
10 Infirmary Street, Leeds, LS1 2JP, United Kingdom, GPS: 53.79786,-1.5486232
Pret creates handmade natural food avoiding the obscure chemicals, additives and preservatives common to so much of the 'prepared' and 'fast' food on the market today.
Caffè Ritazza
Leeds Railway Station, LS1 4DY, United Kingdom, GPS: 53.79523,-1.5471928
Caffè Ritazza specialises in handcrafted coffee and freshly made food making your journeys more pleasant. Find out more on facebook.com/CaffeRitazza
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